
D dad (daddy) n. 爸爸; daily adj. adv. & n. 每日的;经常 短语:1.daily life日常生活 dance v. & n.跳舞;雀跃 短语:1.dance music舞曲 danger n. 危险物;危险; 短语: 1...


dad (daddy) n. 爸爸;

daily adj. adv. & n. 每日的;经常 短语:1.daily life日常生活

dance v. & n.跳舞;雀跃

短语:1.dance music舞曲

danger n. 危险物;危险;

短语: 1. in danger 在……危险之中。

e.g.The building is in danger of collapse


2. out of danger 脱离危险。

e.g. After the treatment, he is now out of danger.


dangerous adj. 危险的;引起危险的

dare v. & aux. 敢;竟敢

dark adj. & n. 暗的;黑暗的

短语:1.before / after dark 天黑之前/之后

date n. 日期;年份;

短语:1.date from / back to 追溯到(某一时间):

e.g. The Great Wall dates back to Qin Dynasty.


daughter n. 女儿;女性后裔


day n. 白昼;日光;

短语:1. day by day 一天天地,逐日:

e.g. Spring is coming and the weather gets warmer day by day.


2. one day (过去或将来的)某一天:

e.g. You will regret one day if you don’t work hard.


3. the other day 在不久前,某天;

e.g. He can’t be abroad, I met him on the street the other day.


4. the day before yesterday 前天

5. the day after tomorrow 后天

6. these days 如今

7. day off 休息日

dead adj. 死亡的;麻木的

短语:1.be dead 死了(持续性词组)

deaf adj. 聋的;


deal v. 处理;交往;对待;

短语:1. deal with 对付,处理。

e.g.How will you deal with problem?

2. a great deal of 大量。

e.g.I have a great deal work to do.


dear adj.心爱的;十分敬重的

death n 死亡;结术

December n.十二月

decide v.决定;下决心

短语:1.decide on 决定

decision n. 决定;判决

短语:1.make a decision 作出决定

deep adj. & adv.深的;有……深的

degree n. 程度;等级;度数

delicious adj.美味的;芬芳的

dentist n. 牙科医生;牙科学发 ;

e.g. There is something wrong with my son’s teeth.He needs to see the dentist.


depend v. 取决于;依赖

短语:1.depend on 取决于

describe v. 描述;断言

desk n. 书桌;办公桌

短语:1.at desk在学习

develop v. 使发展;培育;生长;发育;

词型转换:developing发展中的 developed发达的

development n. 开发;发展;

e.g. The development of the medicine industry will take several years.


dialogue n.对话;对白

diary n. 日记;日记薄

短语:1.keep a diary记日记

dictionary n. 字典;辞书

短语:1.look up …in the dictionary 在字典里查阅......

die v. 枯死 ;结束

difference n. 差异;不同程度

短语:1.make a difference between 区别对待

different adj.不同的;不一致的

短语:1.be different from 不一样

difficult adj. 困难的;复杂的;艰难的;

近义词辨析:difficult / hard

difficult 和 hard 都有“困难的”意思,区别是diffficult侧重于智力上的难题,hard 侧重体力上的难题。

e.g. It is hard for me to climb up the hill alone.


e.g.The problem is difficult for me to work out. 我很难解出这道难题。

difficulty n.困难;障碍;

短语:1. have difficulty (in) doing sth.

e.g.We have difficulty (in) passing the exam.


dig (dug, dug) v.挖;掘;翻

dinner n. 正餐;宴会

短语:1.at dinner在吃饭

direct adj. & v. 笔直的;最近的;指引;导演;

e.g. I directed the traveler to the college.


Who directed the film “Gone with wind?”


direction n.指挥;管理

director n.主任;主管;导演

dirty adj. 肮脏的

discover n. 找到;发现

discovery n.发现;发觉

discuss v. 讨论;议论

短语:1.discuss sth with sb 和某人讨论某事

discussion n. 谈论;议论

短语:1.under discussion正在讨论中

disease n. 疾病;弊病

短语:.a serious disease 严重的疾病

dish n. 蝶;盘;食品

disturb v. 搅乱;中断;使烦恼

divide v. 分开;分配;

短语:1.divide…into… 把…和…分开

do (did, done) v做;干;

短语:1. do a good job 干得不错。

e.g. He did a very good job in the exams.


2. do one’s best 尽自己最大努力;

e.g. If you want to pass the exam, you must do your best from now on.


3. do some shopping 买点东西。

4. do well in 在……方面干得好;

e.g. He did badly in English , but he does well in it now .


5. do with 处置,对付。

e.g.What will you do with it?


doctor n. 大夫;医生;博士

短语:1.see a doctor 看医生

dog n.犬;狗;雄兽

e.g. Every dog has his day


doll n.玩具娃娃;玩偶;傻妞;

dollar n.美元

door n.门;家

短语:1.out of doors 在户外

double adj. & n.成对的;两倍的;

doubt n. & v. 不肯定的;愤世嫉俗

短语:1.without doubt 无疑地

down adv. & prep.向下;朝下

短语:1.down load下载

downstairs adv. 顺楼梯而下

短语:1.fall downstairs 从楼梯上摔下

dozen n. 十二个;一打

draw v.拖;拔出;拉开

drawer n. 抽屉

drawing n.制图;素描画

dream v. & n. 梦;理想

短语:1.have a day dream 做白日梦

2.dream of /that

dress n. & v.给……穿衣;打扮;

近义词辨析:dress / wear/ put on

dress 后面接人作宾语,意思是“给……穿衣服”。

wear 后面接衣服名词,指状态,意思 是“着……”。

put on 侧重于动作,后面接衣服名词,意思 是“把……穿上”

e.g. My son is old enough do dress himself.


It’s cold outside. Better put on more clothes.


短语:1.dress oneself 自己穿衣服

drink v. & n. 饮;喝;干杯

短语:1.drink up 喝光

drive (drove, driven) v. 驱赶;迫使

短语:1.driving-license 驾照

driver n.驾驶员

短语:1.driver’s license驾照

drop v.小液珠

drum n.鼓;敲击乐组

dry v. & adj. 干的;无水分的;

短语:1. dry up 干涸

e.g. The old well dries up for a long time.


duck n. 鸭肉;野鸭

dumpling n.饺子

短语:1.make dumplings 包饺子

during prep.在……整个期间

duty n.责任;责任感

短语:1.on / off duty 值 / 不值班

DVD n. 数字化视频光盘

  • 发表于 2023-05-25 13:49:12
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